What is the most important thing in the world for you? What can you do to make it happen? I don’t have all the answer, but I can say that 90% of the time, living a life without all the busyness will greatly improve your life. I bet you will have more done, and you will be able to do the things you really care about.
As far as I’m concern people would say that I have a pretty busy schedule. However, I don’t think I do. I still have the time to do what I love, I still have the time to just sit outside, to read a good book, to be with my family, or my girlfriend. A lot of time, busy people don’t make much more work than less busy people. When we run all day long we may have the feeling that we are doing a lot of things, but if we were stopping and look at our life, we will see that 80% of the time is wasted on not important task.
I prefer to live a life where there is fewer stress and where I can do what I really care about. How many people can say that they have the time to sit outside for an hour a day only to relax? I bet few people can say this and the number one reason for this is that they are too busy. Too busy to go to the ball-game of their son, too busy to play with their kids, too busy to go out with their spouse, too busy to live! How can somebody forget that there is more in life than work and money. I feel sad for them because they don’t see the beauty of our world. They don’t take the time to stop for a minute and look around them, look how beautiful a sunset can be, how beautiful playing with their kids could be.
If I was this type of person I won’t be on my deck in my backyard looking at the nature, feeling the breeze on my skin. I’ve made a promise to myself to stop as much as I can to appreciate all the beauty of our world, and every little pleasure that we often forget.
We often forget that we are really lucky to have all we got. If you don’t believe me take your T.V. and put it in a place where you can’t watch it for a week with all your technology that you use daily. I’m sure that you will fully appreciate your T.V. again. We often take for granted what we have, and this is what I want to avoid.
Instead, I fully live every moment that I have, and every moment that I can do what I truly want I jump on the occasion. I’m not making the excuses of being too busy anymore. I’ve understood that if you want to live a better and more balance life, you need to do what you love.
At first it can be difficult to stop and just relax, because we are so used to it that we may feel guilty if we stop for 30 minutes a day to relax. However, do it, you won’t regret this. If you feel too guilty start one step at a time, for example, stop for 5 minutes a day, then 10, the more you will do this the more you will feel comfortable with this. And don’t tell me that you can’t stop for 5 minutes. Everybody can find 5 minutes for themselves.